Saturday, November 1, 2014

u g h

I really shouldn't be doing this right now, considering the fact I have an individual assignment due in less than 2 weeks time and I haven't really begin on it yet. 

It has been quite a while since my mind feels pretty darn stretched academically - to think and choose the appropriate words for the report, research for the most relevant examples and decide on the theories that best explain and support them. It's like there's so many facts and information to share, yet you feel like there's nothing at all.

Am I making sense? 

I really really REALLY enjoy Professional Ethics because it questions and challenges your views, morals and principles, and forces you to debate whether your perspectives on certain occurrences (in my case, happenings in the tourism and hospitality sector) are right. However it does not delve directly into the H&T industry. Rather, it plays with your fairly personal and intimate thoughts and urges you to conceptualise them in such an industry. 

And the whole humanism thing. It really is extremely interesting. I can't remember the last time I actually look forward to know more about a module. It could be the fact that the content and argument of Ethics is very flexible; there is no right or wrong, unlike modules such as Finance or Hotel Management. It is ever changing because of culture, social norms and what nots. And because it speaks to you on a much personal level than any other modules have. 

But when you have to write an essay for it... I don't know there are just too many theories and thoughts till you can't think. Plus there are so many readings to do and everyone's just fighting to borrow that particular book (or books) that our lecturers pointed out as Compulsory Reading, and then there's all the other recommended readings. I love reading but I am running out of time. 

UGH. The pressure is on. 

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