Sunday, October 26, 2014


Felt the sudden urge to do a brief update on my space because something exciting is happening tomorrow!!!!! We are heading to... 

B R I G H T O N!!!!!!!

Yeah yeah can't wait to get my hands on the fish (exclude the chips pls thanks), the tarts and the seafood. I always thought that Brighton beach was at Australia but I didn't know the real deal is the one at London (Aussie mates let's not start a war), so I was genuinely surprised after knowing this fact! Quick history: Prisoners in the UK were sent to Australia centuries ago, so that's probably why there is a replica of the beach in Oz.

I should really explore Guildford though, I've been here for a month and all I ever been to at Guildford is to school and town. 

Headed down to town today for their weekend market where you get fresh and good vegetables, fruits and even meat at really cheap prices (as compared to super stores here). Really value for money! I always head down during Saturdays to stock up on my weekly groceries hahaha. Today they were selling 6 boxes of raspberries for only £2???? That's insanely cheap, but I didn't get them cause I wanted to try their nectarines. 

Oh, and they don't call persimmons, persimmons here. I think they call it like Viki fruit or something like that? I got them last week and it was the sweetest persimmons I ever had in my entire life. I am not exaggerating. 

And this is my really petite friend, Sarah. I'm just really thankful to find someone who is so similar to me. It definitely is a good reminder of what I am here for, and my priorities. Yeah you can't see her face but I thought these were really cute pictures of us hahaha.

Anyway, being the poor uni student I am, and drowned by the kiasu spirit of a Singaporean, I now have a list as to where to get the cheaper necessities and stuff in Guildford HAHA. 1 penny cheaper is still cheaper ya know. 

Moments ago, my flatie knocked on my door and stick a banana in my face. "Ni yao ma?" HAHA you would think that's such a nice gesture but honestly I think she's trying to clear her bananas because they are probably going to expire HAHAHA see sigh expiry dates are so stressful.

AND. Marcus baked nutella bread pudding today!!!! Brought it over because there were too much and it was really good, though of course very sinful BUT IT'S OK THE COLD WILL BURN THE CALORIES YES?????

Feeling quite accomplished today because I managed to do all my household chores! I love it when my room is clean and neat LOVE IT. That satisfaction you get when you see the vacuum cleaner sucked up all the hair, threads and what nots. Finally did the laundry after 2 weeks and fucking dryers were mostly spoilt so I had to shift my clothes 4 freaking times before I got to a dryer that could actually work. 

(Here's an apology to Yvette for you had to look at the same routine for so long hahaha.) 

Ok I should really try to go to bed else I will be so tired tomorrow. CAN'T WAIT WOOSH.

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