Monday, November 3, 2014

A Visit from Home

This weekend was something different, I've been hanging out with Singaporeans here but to finally meet a friend from home, I kinda felt like I was brought back to the past hahahaha. /drama/ 

Took the rail down to London and got off the wrong stop because I was paranoid - train ride took a little longer than expected so I thought I missed my stop HAHA. Headed down to Oxford's Primark because I really needed to get new bedsheets and gloves; the Primark in Guildford has really limited choices, sigh cons for staying in a small little town. Even so, I couldn't get my bed sheets but I got some clothes and shoes for a quite a steal yaaaaAaaAaaay!!! 

Ever since I tried Pince & Pints in Singapore, I really wanted to try Burgers & Lobsters in London because that's where P&P got their concept from! I really enjoyed my chilli lobsters with mantous so I had pretty high expectations for B&L (especially when everyone has good reviews about them). Thankfully, Yikin wanted to try B&L as well so TADAH! Decided to meet to eat hahaha. 

Initially, I was quite afraid that we would be asked to wait for an hour before we can be served, especially since we went to the branch in Oxford Circus, at 6PM on a Saturday. BUT NUPE. We were served immediately I was so bloody happy!!!! Both of us ordered the grilled lobsters and Uncle Poon obviously didn't maximise his £20, never dig all the meat out say he finished eating already hahaha. 

Verdict: It was good, the lobsters were very very fresh and succulent! But it isn't like fireworks in your mouth. However for £20 I would say it is very worth it! Can't compare it to Sg's because I had two entirely different styles of lobsters, but being a true-blue Asian I would say the chilli lobsters were probably better, solely because of the sauce and the fried mantous. But in terms of freshness, B&L wins hands down. 

Definitely going to try the Lobster Roll in future, heard it's boom. 

Brought Uncle Poon to Princi for desserts, had Passionfruit Cheesecake and Apple & Crumble Pastry! I enjoyed both very much, the cheesecake's biscuit is very different from the norm because it is crunchier and not so... flat? Shucks I don't really know how to explain. And how can you go wrong with Apple & Crumble???? Too bad there isn't any ice cream to go along with it. 

It was definitely a good night, considering the fact that the both of us never really had much interactions to mention of back in Singapore hahaha :-) 

Oh, and because it was Halloween in London, some of the roads were blocked and people who dressed up started roller-skating down the roads, blasting songs from music box, a pretty cool sight I must say! 

The train ride home was HORRIBLE though. Think I ate too much and had immediate tummy ache after desserts. Thought I could tolerate till I'm back home to poop so I hopped on the train back and it was the worst 40 minutes of my life. I swear I was so close to diarrhea-ing in my pants lol was practically biting and pinching the shit out of myself for distraction purposes. In the end I couldn't take it, alighted at some station and went to poop.

Only to realise there weren't any toilet paper and the flush is weak. Took me a good 10 minutes to flush every shit down (literally).

Then when I arrived at Guildford, the bus that could take me home was supposed to arrive at 2334PM. AS USUAL THOUGH, the bus didn't show up so I ended up waiting for the 0004AM bus. Freaking waste of my time, it is really fucking frustrating because it happens all the damn time???? There was once I waited for a good 1 hour for the bus to bring me to town na ma. 

At least Singapore have seats. We had to stand in the cold for an hour IT WAS SO PISSING. 

Really wished the weekends are longer sigh I spent most parts of the day doing household chores and while I gain satisfaction when I've completed them, I really don't have much time to study and work on my assignments sobs. 

Today, I made a trip to the Superstore and along the way, I just lied down on a patch of grass and just stare into the grey sky and I honestly thought that was a bloody amazing feeling. 

Then I got reminded that of all the things that are left undone and suddenly I don't feel amazing anymore. In any case, I took selfies to remember that moment HAHA. #shameless 

Ok ciaos.