Sunday, August 17, 2014

Wearing Skinny

Had the annual Jalan Raya with the SU kids earlier today, would upload pictures when I can be arsed to do so haha. Probably my last one ever, sadly. 

Not going to dive deep into the details till I get the photos up! 

"I don't want just words. If that's all you have for me, you'd better go." - F. Scott Fitzgerald 

I kept allowing myself to be drowned in a sea of words, never had much faith and tolerance in humans and I hate to be proven right. It is sickening to the core and many a times I wonder why I still stick around. Also, people's immaturity and reasonings never fail to amuse me. 

Insanely tempted to just get rid of all these nonsense and bullshit, which I will.

On a side note, it was still a good day despite the perspiration and I kinda miss the daily dosage of noise and verbal abuse from my breastie.

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