Sunday, June 22, 2014


Oh kay so the weekends are almost over, WHUD man. But I had a really fun one this week therefore I think it deserves to be blogged, so tadah here you go. 

Because I usually only work half shifts, I thought I would end up really exhausted after a full shift - which appeared to be true whenever I work full once in awhile. However after working full shifts for 2 weeks straight at the centre, I was actually feeling okay! Maybe it has something to do with the class I'm assisting, I don't know. In any case, it's a good way to recoup my losses, since I was on leave for almost 2 weeks with graduation and my Nippon trip, and that means 0 cash return haha. I'm lazy to edit the other pictures we took recently so here's just one with better lighting hehe. 

This day was a little crazy for me because Teacher Chanel had to attend a talk and I was left alone with a class of rowdy and slow-moving little humans. Putting them to sleep alone was horrible, I had to literally BEG one of them to sleep but it obviously didn't work. I don't even beg for food when I am siao hungry ok, can you imagine the pathetic state I was in sigh. In the end I gave up trying to get him to sleep, and asked him to help me glue papers which got both of us a lot more calmer and happier than before hahaha. 

Then finally she came back from the talk and we decided to get some sweet treats to lighten ourselves up. We ended up having a muffin party LOL it was mad 6 muffins for 2 persons. 

And I am also very upset because my appetite has increased by 3 folds ever since I recovered from stomach flu. It's time I do something about it man else I will regret all these guilty pleasures big time. 

These fluffy clouds greeted me after I ended work on Friday. Such cute little things that brightened my day almost instantly. Reminded me of the time when I was on the plane back to Singapore from Tokyo, where it was flying in between 2 layers of clouds. It was such a gorgeous sight I don't think I will ever forget that moment. It was so pretty I didn't want to take a picture hahaha. I think heaven will look a little like that if it does exist! 

Went for CapitaLand's Family Day at Universal Studios later that night with F. Have never been to USS at night before so it was a good experience! The both of us were so excited after we went past the entrance gates hahaha. Some of the rides were a lot faster and the effects plus pyrotechnics of certain shows and rides are a lot better?! 

Initially, they said Mummy was down due to certain technical issues, but luckily it was running well when we went back later yaaaaaay! It will be such a waste if it wasn't up for us to ride. We also went for the Merry-Go-Round attraction HAHAHA it has been ages since I last went for such a ride?! Nobody gave a f about the safety precautions and shit though lol. 

The only downside was the really bad lighting and the weather was so bloody humid and warm. We were perspiring like crazy, plus we were wearing jeggings (pardon us, we came from work) so that didn't make our situation any better. 

But in any case, it was really fun!!!!! Thank you F for the tickets and the company, you ended my Friday perfectly :-) 

Woke up too early for work on Saturday. Haven't worked at Grub for 3 weeks and suddenly I don't remember what time I was supposed to report for work, thought it was 7AM when it was actually 730AM jezuz. Felt like death and really dreaded going to work because it was so bloody early and I only managed to sleep at 3AM. Thankfully I had a good time at work!!! 

Had the most impromptu meet up with Abz and Xinyi later that night for some Salted Caramel. Even though Xinyi and I were working together earlier that morning, it felt like a day has passed when we met again for ice cream LOL so weird. 

Salted Caramel x Earl Grey x Lychee!!!!!!!!!! Perks of knowing a part-timer there = free topping hehehe. Not me though, the popular ones are the other 2 girls I just leech on their benefits HAHA.

Went home and crashed. Woke up in the middle of the night for 5 seconds to shut my windows because of the crazy thunderstorm and rain. And then came Sunday. 

Since I didn't have a Fathers' Day celebration with my parents last week as they were at Malaysia for a friend's wedding, I decided to take them out for brunch at Lola's to make up for it! 

While waiting to be called, we went to visit a showroom right down the road. Really gorgeous freehold condominium by Wing Tai Asia, and a lot bigger than our usual condos. My parents were completely digging it, hahaha they said they would actually buy a unit if we had the capabilities. 

I really love looking at showrooms and gaining inspirations from the designs and layout. Can't wait to start on my renovation plans after I come back from Europe LOL #forwardthinking 

Anyway, back to our brunch date. Lola's Cafe always have a queue especially since they have a pretty limited number of seats, and they don't accept reservations on weekends, so come early! We came at 1130 and had to wait for an hour. Thankfully, we had some entertainment else I foresee a very pissed off family waiting under the hot sun hahaha. 

Honey Paprika Crispy Wings ($10) | My second time eating this recommended appetiser, my father loved it! The skin was really crispy and the meat was tender. Coupled with the paprika powder and honey drips, nothing is wrong about this dish (Y)

Lola's Full Monty Breakfast ($15) | Your typical breakfast set that has a little bit of everything to make one full. I didn't try this but my Dad likes it!

Breakfast Butter Croissant ($13) | Creamy scrambled eggs on top of bacon, ham and melted cheese nestled in a croissant. Probably my favourite out of all that I have tried! I like that the bacon and ham isn't salty, the scrambled eggs isn't super creamy and the croissant was crispy on the outside but still retains a bit of its fluffiness inside! Of course, the croissant cannot be compared to Tiong Bahru Bakery's, but at the very least it isn't stale! The cheese brought all the elements together hwaaaah.

Avocado Eggs Benedict ($15) | Successfully poached runny eggs on top of 2 slices of ham and fluffy brioche bread. The vinegar isn't too strong, ham wasn't salty and the hollandaise sauce wasn't too rich! My mom preferred this to the others haha so I guess it really is subjective! I guess what's unique about this is the fact that there are avocado slices in there, but in all honesty the sauce and runny eggs covered the avocado taste, so I personally felt it was redundant to have them inside. My mother didn't even realise that there were avocado slices till I pointed it out to her, so you get what I mean ya haha. 

I have come to realise that I am not a huge fan of Eggs Benedict, I mean I am completely fine consuming them, but if I had other choices such as pancakes or waffles, I would pick them over Eggs Ben, though Eggs Royale is a lot more tempting due to the salmon slices hahaha. I think its because there are too many oozy elements in that one dish (the sauce and runny eggs) and maybe because I rather have maple syrup to hollandaise sauce and probably because I rather have my eggs cooked in other ways other than poached. I mean come on, SCRAMBLED EGGS???? OMELETTE???? Of course la!! 

Lemon Meringue Tart ($5) | It is said to be Lola's top dessert, but I beg to differ. I prefer their Apple Cake topped with ice cream. The last time I went with Neo, we ordered 3 of their Apple Cakes w/ ice cream cause that's how much we loved it, and also cause our stomachs were very generous on that particular day. Having said that, it is still a nice dessert if you are into lemon curds. I thought it could be a little less sweet and not so... shit what's the appropriate term for it.... "siap"? LOL. 

We also ordered their Matcha Latte ($5), Long Black ($3.50), Peach, Raspberry & Apple Fruit Juice ($6) and dapao-ed their Hummingbird Cake ($7) but I have yet to try it. We all loved our drinks - Matcha Latte had a strong matcha taste which I love!!! 

So all in all, we had a really hearty brunch that was paired with good service :-) Best part? We didn't have to pay for GST or service charge so all their dishes are all in nett pricing! Affordable right compared to other cafes!!!! Hehehehe. 

Walao did I just do a food review HAHAHA just thought I should share my thoughts because I really feel that this cafe really deserves its demand and popularity! 

How fierce, someone is pek chek cause I demanded my parents not to touch their food as I wanted to take a shot of all the dishes HAHAHA (I failed though) a hungry man is an angry man oopsie. But in any case, Happy Fathers' Day :-) 

Ahhhh still so full from brunch, but this pretty much sums up my weekend. One more week to the end of June, can't wait for my dim sum buffet at the end of the week hehehe. 

Good night! 

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