Monday, December 23, 2013


Finally entering the Christmas week. I've always loved December, and I always looked forward to Christmas ever since I was a child, with all the pretty lights, Christmas carols, gifts exchange, food and drinks, and the warmth you feel during the family gathering at my Aunt's. Strangely, I didn't really feel the Christmas spirit this year. Not sure if it's because of internship, or because I'm growing up. 

Either way, I really want to feel excited for Christmas again :-( 

This weekend was spent celebrating F's 21st! Tried to plan a surprise for him with Amirul but LOL FAILED, that smarty pants turned his head for no apparent reason so he saw us with the cake oh wells can't say we didn't try hahahaha. But before all of that, I had a rather impromptu date with Sally! So after work, the both of us had our dinner at Five & Dime, especially since soursop has been wanting to give that cafe a try. Besides our mains, we both shared a bowl of calamari rings and it was really good for the first few rings, but after awhile the oil kinda gets soaked into the remaining ones so they didn't taste as chewy and crispy as before. Even so, it's a decent bowl of calamari rings!

And honestly, I wasn't expecting myself to indulge in anything else. BUT I THOUGHT WRONG HAHA. I stole a few mini scoops of Sally's chocolate ice cream from Awfully Choc (which was really good btw), and because I needed to wait till 11ish before meeting up with Amirul and the rest, we headed to Xin Wang and gobbled down their French Toast with Ice Cream WHICH WAS FREAKING DIVINE, and some mini hargaos plus a cup of yuan yangggggg. It was a good night with her because we were doing what we do best - eating and talking and eating and talking hahaha. 

Then it was F's mini birthday surprise that um didn't turn out much of a surprise hahaha, spent the rest of the night drinking (the boys) and chilling before we headed home. Good Friday? Checked.

Met up with F on Saturday again for his birthday date! The initial plan was to go to Adventure Cove but too bad for us, there were no tickets available. So we settled for SEA Aquarium, and maaaaaaaayn they have such pretty fishes and other marine life!!!! The coral reefs and all, so colourful. If not for the crowd, I honestly think the aquarium is really therapeutic, like I think I could just sit there for a couple of hours and stare at the fishes graceful moves. *_* 

We had quite a bit of time to spare after, so we decided to go to the Merlion Walk and well, walk around hahaha. Really unfortunate for the boy because right after the visit to the aquarium he had a shit ass tummy ache and after awhile he just couldn't move... and fell asleep on a bench HAHA. Snored halfway then got woken up by the pain again hahahaha. By then, I had to rush to meet my parents for dinner while he had other plans, so that's all for his twenty first on my part LOL.

Pain until fall asleep. Baik. 

It's really sad how I'm so unromantic and boring.............. can't plan surprises for nuts only know how to eat, sleep and be lazy. Sorry Faz hahahaha.

Happy belated 21st, Porkupine. Thank you for being a blessing x. 


Thoughts: It is my last teen year before I hit the big two and sooner than later I will be entering adulthood. I've seen what the corporate world is like and I'm honestly frightened. I was having a conversation with a friend earlier and he mentioned that schools taught us to do math, they taught us our history, but they never taught us how to survive when we hit adulthood. I agreed.

But now I start to wonder what would happen if schools prepped us kids with survival skills, will we be able to grasp what's going on? Will we take such advise for granted and brush it off? If we were taught all these, what kind of adults will we become? Will we become kinder and less hypocritical, or will we twist the good and become crazily sly and heartless? Will we be too matured for our own good?

Survival skills are usually based on instincts I guess. They bring out both the good and bad in you. I don't know what will become of me in the near future, the things I would and wouldn't do just to "survive". It scares me.

Will humanity be restored?

I think never.

I'm not being pessimistic, I'm just being brutally realistic.

Good night, and have a blessed week. 

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