Monday, December 31, 2012

Last of 2012

Aloha! The last day of 2012, finally! 

Maybe it is just me, but time seems to pass extra fast this year. In 2012, I started off the year with good news that I was chosen to be one of the 48 gls for Avatar. Then came about 3 months of gl preparation, and finally the orientation camp itself. After that it was meeting up with my very own Trila and more intense planning for my sub-committee event (a dance party). Then it was the day of Turbulence. Not long after, I made up my mind to run for Exco. That was the start of an extremely busy semester for me, with the planning of Investiture, Annual General Meeting, Challengers, TBC and Preparatory Camp and other minor but important matters to name a few. The end of a camp means the beginning of preparation for the next camp. Prep Camp finally came to an end just 2 days ago, but that marks the start of the planning of the upcoming SU events and camps, mainly FOC. 

It seems like some major event/camp happened every single month ever since I successfully joined the exco, and as tiring as it has been, it has been very, very fulfilling. I am already halfway through my office term, it is so fast it is scary, but I know I will miss this so much when it all ends. 

Well, just felt like I needed a post on the last day of 2012. Hahaha. It has been a great year, even though I hit the rocks quite a couple times. But as good as 2012 has been, I always looked forward to new beginnings. And I can't wait for 2013 to come IN A FEW HOURS TIME WHEEEEEE!

I'm welcoming 2013 with open arms, even though I know life will be so much tougher and so much more tiring to go through. But I will come out a stronger, better and more matured person. I have to be! 

Ending this post abruptly now! Remember to clear your debts and have a blessed new year everyone! :-)


  1. Saw your face all over school. Wow, you famous gurl!

  2. Omg saw you on NP Tribune as well! At the gym!!! *gasps* -_-
