Friday, November 9, 2012

Two Steps Forward, One Step Back

It has been long haha hello you. 

This week has been shit for me and I really Thank God Its Friday. Things hasn't been good this week sigh pie. 

To further prove my point, here's a list of misfortunes I met this week. 

  1. I woke up with a really bad throat on Tuesday morning. 
  2. The very same night I started to have flu.
  3. The next morning, flu got worse. 
  4. Lost the receipt to collect my altered denim shirt (thank god the aunty still allowed me to collect it)
  5. Wednesday I felt so horrible. I wanted to curl up and sleep at the corner of my classroom and bury myself with tissue paper :'( 
  6. I sliced my finger with a cutting tool after Fashion class on Thursday and it bleed. 
  7. I woke up today with dry cough as my companion of the day. 
  8. The bus driver conveniently drove past my stop even though I pressed the bell way before my stop. 
I literally felt like shit every single day. Have been feeling so lethargic, swollen and moody every minute gosh. It has been a long time since I was last ill, and I guess the sudden drop of my already weak immune system really affected me. I wanted to donate my blood last week during my school's Blood Donation Drive but I couldn't because my body was low in iron ugh. I always wanted to donate my blood ever since my freshmen year but I couldn't because I was always sick during that period, and now when I'm finally not sick, I still can't! Hallelujah. 

Had no appetite at all today. Usually, three proper meals a day can't really satisfy my tummy but today all I had was bread and a bowl of my favorite Banana Nut Crunch and I couldn't eat anymore. Meh.    

Next week please be better. It has to be, I really hate feeling this way. 


Recently, I think it is really easy for things to affect my mood. Just reading someone else's blog entry that is filled with negativity can make me feel down. Then the next moment, if I check someone else's Instagram and they have cute, happy captions below pictures, I feel slightly lifted. I don't remember me being so easily affected. Most of the times I'm just indifferent. I'm afraid I will conform to their thoughts and change for the worse. 

Also, I chanced upon this quote that my friend re-tweeted and it kinda tug at my heart strings. 

"What kind of love are we using to love our loved ones?"

I have been really unfilial, haven't I. I failed horribly as a daughter, I'm always never home and even if I am, I don't talk much. I take my parents' love for granted. So useless. Sigh. 

I need to do some soul-searching and I need to feel better. I need a break. 


  1. "Don't think too much. It's just a phase."

  2. Yeah indeed. I think you're starting to feel for others more! ^____^

  3. I know :-)

    Hmm is that a good thing? Haha idk.

  4. Depends! Some people I know care for others more than themselves.

  5. Haha I don't think I'm that selfless though. Disappointments will happen too regularly if I become like that.
