Monday, August 6, 2012

Where'd You Go

Hi it is already August. 

I was just thinking of how things were like a few months back, and suddenly I feel so old. I felt like my mind and thoughts have aged so rapidly. I wouldn't say I was more innocent, but I was definitely more carefree. I'm not regretting anything though, I made it a point to never look back and regret and that everything happens for a reason. So I hope my choices and decisions that I have made now will lead me to somewhere good in the near future. 

Also, I miss the times when my walls were higher. I've been building more bridges in recent months and honestly it is starting to make me feel insecure. Sheesh!

Anyway, short update!

Celebrated Irfan's 18th @ Botanic Gardens! It was raining so we were pretty drenched but overall it was fun!

Trila #1 
I love this picture it's so cute! Happy 18th Minimart! 

Then it was officially the end of Business Comm 2 and also our final test - Networking Skills! It was awkward yet fun when X-J2EW did it hahaha but I think we pulled it off pretty well. Yay. 

X-J2EW with the best tutor ever.

After BComm, went home to change and headed out to town with Faz to run errands for my mom and I. I honestly felt quite accomplished that day because I managed to settle so many things - including getting a new earpiece for myself @ Jaben! I love the quality and it is pretty damn affordable too! If you are in need of a new earpiece, go head down to Jaben @ The Aldephi. Especially if you are a NP student you get 10% discount! DAMN GOOD RIGHT. 

Met up with my favorite BA girls - Rach and Abz for some ketchup @ Fat Boys. Good meat burgers they have man. Headed over to Salted Caramel om nom nom nom. It was such a good day that day I was a very happy girl hahahaha. Yay. 

Had another dinner outing with Trila, this time at Newton Food Centre. Man I swear the fried mantous and sambal kangkong are so good! And my kids made the July babies a birthday book so unexpected and I was really touched. Thank you Trila! :')

My babies!

August also saw me getting this pair of pretty Minnetonka. It is the most expensive pair of shoes which I paid for myself. Have been spending a bomb ever since the start of August, got to start saving up le sigh. 

So pretty!!!!

Yesterday, was supposed to study with HIMM but the 4 of us ended  up talking to each other for the whole damn time hahaha. It wasn't productive but it was hilarious. Below is a portrait of me drawn by Boon. I swear it looks horrible. 

Went back home for dinner and then came back to find them again in hopes to study seriously this time round. In the end we scrape that idea and ended up going home at 2 in the morning hahaha. Managed to piss and troll Yvette, Boon & Devin though. Gained a lot of "fuck you" in 5 minutes hahahaha. 

Yvette Neo KG!

Walk, With Me also finally come to an end on Saturday. Had like 1 hour of nap and it was a miracle that I survived. It was a rough ride, especially for the project directors but I'm glad that we managed to raised about $100,000 yaaaay! A huge thank you to all the TRM volunteers who came don't to help! Also, a huge thanks to Bing Chen, Hui Min, Ri Xin, Cyrus, Aloysius, Faz, Amirul, Bucci and Aeolus for coming down & support my event!!!!

Examinations are getting closer and I'm already in holiday mood. All my friends have been studying since 2 weeks ago and I'm still here like... um... This is bad. I woke up at 2 in the afternoon today and I immediately felt like crap. Wasted half the day away and that just made me not feel like not doing anything. Got to be productive tomorrow.

Meeting Rach & Abz tomorrow to study. Please let it be productive.

Gu nai :-)

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