Thursday, July 26, 2012

Turning Eighteen

So I'm 18. 

I wasn't excited about turning 18. Age has always been just a number to me, it is the maturity of your mind that truly matters. Yes, I'm finally legal to buy a pack of cigarettes, to club, to buy alcoholic drinks and I don't have to sneak into theaters to catch M18 movies anymore. But for some reason, I'm not interested in doing any of the above anymore. Not now, at least. 

The only thing I'm probably excited about is that I can take my driving license this year!!! Whoopee yay.   

Anyway, the 31st executive committee members celebrated my birthday in advance after the Investiture. Didn't suspect a single thing, even when Neo told me to stay behind to "talk". Entered the room that was completely filled with darkness - the only light available were from the 18 candles that were placed on top of 18 cupcakes. So cute! Then there were cards and they got me a watch that I've been eyeing for a long time heh. Thank you all so much!! 

The next day, I met up with HIMM 4.0 GPA (Yvette, Danielle, Boonz & Irfan) at Wendy's thinking that we were going to study. Happily brought along my laptop, charger and pencil box and only to find out it was a hoax. Hahahaha but it was great day, love the gifts!! 

HIMM 4.0 GPA without Devin

Had dinner with the best friend and Brenda @ Din Tai Fung after, had cravings for their fried rice heh. And I got pretty flowers too! 

Then at midnight, I got a call from Rachel to open my door. Standing right outside my door were Rach, Abz, Wei Sheng, Yvette, Danielle, Boonz and Devin oh my lord hahaha. Had homemade red velvet cupcakes (which tastes so damn good you the man Rach) and macaroons. Then HIMM stayed over at my place again! Pictures are in Rach's camera so no pictures for now! 

 On my actual birthday, I spent the first half of the day rolling around at home with HIMM. Then had some awesome dinner at Sushi Tei with the folks and my aunt! The amount of food we ordered... haha. But it was so good! 

Then on Tuesday, there was a Triton gls dinner which everyone turned up except Joanne. Had Japanese food for dinner again and they trolled me badly. Tricked me that we were going to buy Irfan's cake when actually I was buying for myself. So I kinda chose my own cake and stuck my own candles, confidently walked into the restaurant thinking that this surprise is for Irfan haha. But it was a good night out, everything was so light-hearted haha thank you Triton! 

Triton DH & 11 GLs

Trila Group Leaders!

Today! Had no school today, so I went to chop off my hair. I didn't expect it to be so short, I said "chop till chest area" but now it is slightly longer than my shoulders haha. I remembered I fell asleep so something might have gone wrong there. Changed my fringe parting too because my hairline was getting way too obvious. 

I realised my hair doesn't matter a lot to me. I know of girls who really pamper their hair and it actually pains them when they see their hair getting chopped off. I wasn't panicking when I realised my hair was getting a little too short than expected and I didn't feel a single thing when I saw like 5 inches (that is 12.7 cm in case you are wondering) of my hair dropped onto the floor. All that went through my mind was... "oh." Ha. Oh wells. 

Met up with Allie after rushing home to shower. Thought I was only meeting Allie for dinner but turns out that Jaslyn, Lydia, Yvette, Millennia, Wei Sheng, Boonz and Devin were there too! And guess we had our dinner... at freaking Marche!!!!! I have never eaten there before so it was my first today. Best part, dinner was free for me hahahahahaha yay!!!! The food there is really good oh lord. Need to bring my parents there soon.

My happy pills for today

Jaslyn, Lydia & Millennia
It's 0330h in the morning and I have to head to school at 12 for meeting later. Then IS assignment at town. Sigh really asking for it. I always complain about lack of sleep but I'm really doing nothing to help myself haha. On a lighter note, gonna meet up with the 8 girls tomorrow for dinner! Damned that Ly can't make it though :-( 

This is such a boring and wordy post. I salute you if you really stuck all the way through this post haha. Oh and if you think that I'm trying to boast about my birthday celebrations, I'm not! I'm just really contented, thankful and happy for whatever they did for me and I just felt like penning them down. Thank you to everyone of you who were part of any of the celebrations!!! You all have made me a very happy 18 year old teenager as of now.

So much love I have for you all. xoxo! 

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