Thursday, July 26, 2012



I have always been wanting to blog but I have been very busy recently - exco matters, school matters, my class's event, and the fact that I have turned 18 four days back. 

So before I start penning a part of my life here, maybe some visuals of past months' happenings first? 

Avatar's 3rd Monthsary Dinner w/ 48 gls 

Triton's gls dinner outing 

Mini kayaking expedition @ Ubin with the SU Kids

Midnight Spiderman with Trila
My favorite BA girls - Rachel & Abigail 

Day 6 of Sub-Committee Interviews

Impromptu stayover at my crib with 3/4 of HIMM 4.0 GPA

50% off Sogurt and Jeraldyn's birthday celebration @ MBS

Clarisse's birthday celebration @ Studio M

Claire's birthday game - Amazing Race @ Changi 

After NPSU Investiture @ Loft 

Yup, all these before I turned 18! We had a lot more fun shots after the Investiture but it isn't up on Facebook yet. The end of Investiture was the start of my birthday celebrations though, the first coming from the 31st exco members. Thank you all, I really didn't expect that! <3

I will do up a new post for my birthday ok bye.  

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