Sunday, June 17, 2012


I know this isn't the first time I'm ranting about this, but it sure as hell doesn't feels good when you are forced to keep a distance from whom you deem as good friends due to certain complications. To be more specific, feelings. I am so sick and tired of going through this time and time again. 

I have trust issues. The people I can completely trust are less than 5. And I hate the fact that I am forced to let the ship(s) sail a little further because if I don't, things will get messy and even ugly. But its not that I want to. I don't exactly have a choice, do I? Forced to drift, you know?

"You don't get to choose what stays and what fades away." Can totally relate to this. Ah, but what to do? Such is life. 

Putting all these aside, tomorrow's Fathers' Day!!! Celebrated this day by having a BBQ with the Lim Family at my Sis's place earlier on. Hang chill at the pool and sauna, it's been so long ever since I went into a pool haha. Water is never my friend, pfft. Had tons of chicken wings om nom nom! 

The first week of my holidays, I spent every single day going back to school to settle the plannings for Challengers. Honestly have no mood to do my reports and projects ugh. This semester's GPA is definitely going down. 

Did manage to meet up with old friends like Allie, Jaymus and Chanel though! Had an impromptu stayover with Chanel hahaha must do it again! Feels great to catch up :-) 

Allie Lai

Impromptu stayover with Chanel

Yikin's birthday BBQ

Picnic with the Planning Committee of Challengers

Fathers' Day celebration @ Sis's

This is such a pointless post haha. Ok gonna attempt to do my reports. May the force be with me. Good night x. 

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