Sunday, April 8, 2012


Hiiii whoop I've neglected this space for far too long. My entire semester break was jam packed with FOC preparations, FOC itself, outings, meetings, BAOC preparations etc etc. As hectic as it is, I enjoyed every single day and recently I have been having a lot of good, fun-filled days, and I am definitely not taking them for granted because like most things, they are all short-lived.

I am honestly grateful that I'm part of the 48 gls for this year's Freshmen Orientation Camp. This was what I wanted ever since I was a freshie last year and now I actually achieved my goal. Even though preparations were extremely time-consuming, all the ups and downs we had as a whole group and even just in Triton, and with the added pressure and stress during exams period, I never regret being part of this gl journey. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience, and such an experience is only shared by the 48 of us and the other 4 Division Heads. <3

I really miss the preparation period of FOC. No more meeting up with Triton and the other 3 groups at Blk 18 to finish up our flags, identities and all that. I miss hanging around with the other 47 gls sigh. Last day of FOC was really some waterfall parade, everyone was crying really hard and the thing that really shocked me was that my very own freshies were tearing too omg such a feeling can never be described with words. Love you all Trila! :')

Then came all the Trila outings and BAOC preparations. Finally met up with Kwan, had such an epic time and I swear I never laughed so hard before haha. Even managed to meet up with Alcaeus!!! It's been so long since I last saw my fellow sub-group mates whoop.

I'm also very relieved now because finally, after about a year, everything's fine now. *phew* I feel so much better!

Ok so enough of all the emotional talk. Have been having nightmares these past 2 days ugh. On a lighter note, Sentosa outing with Avatar was a blast, with photoshoots and all that HAHA.

GL chalet and BAOC commences later. Can't wait, feel so accomplished right now ahhhh catch you all l8r alliga8r.

Now for some peektures!

Epic day with Kwan


GL Preparations

Sub-Comm and foodies


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