Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lost One

The first part of today was really good and fun even though it was tiring. Worked at RWS with the other SU kids and was the station master for the most fun activity along with Yvette, Kevin, Nizor, Irfan and another guy called Cederic. Had so much fun bouncing and jumping around in our little castle and taking Polaroids hahaha this is definitely the best working experience ever. What's even better is that the pay for this job is really... wow ;-)

And I finally headed to Old Airport Road to buy Lao Ban for my parents and myself omg really good stuff ok this is the main reason why I will always be chubby because I rarely say no to food, especially good food. I really love ice cream. Om nom nom nom nom nom.

Station Masters for Walking on Deck

Yvette Neo <3


Whipped Man HAHA

Maizurah, Yvette


Allie Lai <3

Finally had the chance to have dinner with my parents but I was so tired I fell asleep at the coffee shop while waiting for our food ugh -_- However now, I'm feeling cranky and helpless. Everyone scares me. I dislike doubts. I dislike uncertainties. I dislike indecisiveness. I dislike it when trust is misplaced. Gonna sleep it off though, as always. Sigh.

I forgot how it feels like to fall for someone. I'm constantly in fear of losing people just because of feelings. I don't know what I should do, I need answers but I don't know how to get them. People say time will tell but I have no time. Such things shouldn't be dragged. What now?

On a lighter note, Turbulence was a success. Shall fill you all in soon enough. Thanks to everyone who came down to support or merely to have fun!

Good night.

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