Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Hold On To You

Tonight was good. Great, actually!

Met up with the best friend at Nex for dinner, Sushi Tei nom nom nom. Ate 60 dollars worth of food both of us ended so mothershit full and bloated oh gosh. Wanted to get Sogurt but that stupid bitch wouldn't let me so I settled for egg tarts instead hehehe nom nom nom.

So... I would blogged a lot more of how our "best friend time" went like (it is seriously one-of-a-kind I don't think I will ever forget about it), but I am lazy so I will just quote from Sherlyn's blog instead!

"AND HIGHLIGHT OF THE DAY (I guess) : Joyce and I walked home from Nex! So Serangoon all the way back to Bishan, took us 1 and a half frickin' hours. Feet sore like crazy now, but it was so cool even though we screamed and freaked out a lot over absolutely nothing LOL. On another hand, talked heaps too, it was great to catch up with that girl yet again :)"

First part of our journey was hardcore hilarious I laughed like a mad bitch. It wouldn't be funny anymore if I blogged about it, it is that kind of situation where you have to be there to find it funny. Yeah, that makes sense right? It was a greaaaaat walk, it is stuff like this that you will always remember and that is what makes the memories you have with your best friend so special. Ok why am I so cheesy now ew.

HMA for the next 3 days, it is going to be so hardcore I think I will faint because I would be so freaking exhausted. Gonna be spending 2 nights at Link Hotel with Qi, Leon and Rendall so won't be blogging too soon. Please let this whole conference be a success!

Hittin' the sheets now, good night!

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