Monday, September 5, 2011

All Day, All The Time

Cam-whoring with a Mac is always fun hahaha say hi to my friend, Jaymus!

Ok that was random. Anyway, I cleared my wardrobe today and I seriously took out a lot of crap from there. There are certain clothes which I can't believe I actually bought them, and there are some which I still like it but I just wouldn't wear them anymore. Aches a little to give them all away but hahaha can't wait for new clothes yum maybe this way my mom won't banned me from shopping heeheehee.

I'm gonna be out to meet my best friend in awhile for dinner! I think I will blog again after I'm back so be prepared for a post that's full of random thoughts! Hmmm today's a nice lazy day I like I like :-)

On a side note, I have been blog-stalking recently and suddenly I feel like changing my template to a full white one. Should I? But it seems so common now. Hmmm.

Oh! And Happy 19th, Ashraf Emir you Turk boi!

Ok catch you guys l8er allig8er

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