Tuesday, September 1, 2015


How long has it been?

Time really pass insanely fast when you are having fun. I sure had a darn good time ever since school broke up in June. I've been travelling, exploring without any strings attached - liberation at its greatest peak. No responsibilities, no drama, no one to answer to. I'm counting my blessings and I've been very privileged.

So am just going to take this time to reflect the past year I've been away. Passed the halfway mark of 2015 and I have to say, this is one hell of a memorable year.

It has been a year of many firsts for me - in both good and bad ways, but mostly good. My eyes have witnessed so much, and so has my mentality. Mark Manson once said that travelling does not make you discover more about yourself, but instead you get lost. I've experienced that first hand - I never felt like I knew myself better because of all that travelling. I get confused all the time because my reactions and decisions differ depending on the current situation and the people around me. It feels like I know myself better, but at the same time I don't. You realise you contain multitudes - you are contradicting on so many levels. But looking at it from a broader perspective, only that makes sense. Because everyone is different, and so is every situation, and since change is the only constant, then it only makes sense to be an irony. I guess.

I think I am allowed to have so much fun now because when school starts I will probably be stuck in a hellhole and then after graduation I better save my ass and get a job and then real adult responsibilities will drown me and then that's how my youth and energy will die out.

See happy times never last.

But yes, 2015 has been nothing short of amazing. One of my best years yet :-)

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