Wednesday, April 1, 2015


Thought I could pop by for a quick update while chowing down a bowl of rolled oats topped with granola and raisins before getting back to the grind.

Sucks to be one of the rare few who has an essay due during the Easter break. Can't fully enjoy this short-lived liberation till I've completed them. Doesn't help that I have another submission due once school reopens - especially when I am only returning from Morocco 2 days before University resumes -_- This means I would need to complete this other assignment way ahead of time U G H.

Anyway, my raisins and chocolates addiction is INSANE. My self-discipline is weak as shit I tell you. I managed to finish one whole tub of raisins in one week all by myself. Same goes for chocolates, it is not that I like them, it is just when you put a whole bunch of chocolates in front of me, I cannot stop eating once I have my hands reach into the bag. This is a lot for me considering the fact that I never used to like both raisins and chocolates (unless they are dark). 2 nights ago Sally and I finished a whole tub of B&J. At the rate I am going, I am going to have a really bad sore throat. My brain tells me to stop but my body (or hand for that matter) JUST. WON'T. LISTEN. 


Spent the weekend over in London with Yvette, spent and ate so much carbs l o l that probably kickstart my insane appetite to binge eat. Will try to do a proper post on that, but for now here's two pictures of us. 

On a side note, I am so happy that the days are getting longer!!!!! 7PM and the sky is still bright. If not for the fucking mad wind I would have enjoy Spring so much more. 

Hahaha actually using season terms now. Time needs to calm down. 


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