Friday, March 20, 2015

Half The Bridge Crossed

Yesterday marked the date where I have officially left home for 6 full months. Time freaking flies, man. I can never fully grasp and comprehend the concept of time, no matter how hard I try. Till now, I don't feel the distance as well as time difference, and I have been extremely comfortable living independently. 

I'm caught in between wanting to elaborate further or just to leave what I said as it is. I think I will go ahead with the latter. In short, I'm doing good and I am still counting my blessings :-) 

I am 6 weeks into the second semester but my study zen is still having a vacation. Bad news because I am so thrilled for all the upcoming adventures that will unfold in a couple of weeks/months but I can't fully concentrate on academical affairs. I, unfortunately, found myself grouped with this course mate whose work ethics I can't tolerate. Thought Sem 1 was the last of it but I thought wrong. Guanyinma please bless my poor soul lol. 

I am dreading yet hoping for Monday to arrive soon - dreading it because I have a group presentation and Japanese speaking test (which I have yet to prepare for), but can't wait to get them over and done with. Only then can I fully look forward to all 'em exciting events!!!!! 

Here's how my future (hahaha) looks like right now:

  1. Yvette got LHR on her roster so I will be meeting her next weekend!! Yet another visit from home whoohoo 
  2. Will be travelling to Budapest and Prague with the Asian Invasion Gang during our Easter break, in which some of us are planning to sky dive HOOOO MAI GURDS I AM SO BLOODY EXCITED FOR THAT!!!!!!
  3. Will be heading off to Morocco for a field trip for one of my modules shortly after I come back from Prague. Hiking, camel riding, sleeping on the desert hohoho Father Adventure is welcoming me with open arms 
  4. I am also flying to Korea to study at Seoul National University for 6 weeks during my Summer break!!!!!!!!!! I am so thankful for this opportunity, definitely hard to come by and to actually be picked for this experience, I am overjOoOoOoOOoooyed man I tell ya. 

I'm looking forward to get my vaccinations for Morocco too. This may disgust and weird some of you out but I have this fetish for injections. Those long needles have always appealed to me since young hahaha. I remembered how I enjoyed the injections we were forcefully given in primary school while majority of the girls were bawling their eyes out hahaha. Which is also why I really want to donate my blood because I can have those needles inserted into my veins (and collect some karma points along the way). But too bad for low blood count lulz. 

I just hope I don't fall sick after getting jabbed. The last time I had some flu vaccination I was sick for 2 weeks straight -_- Ain't nobody got time for that. 

OH. Marcus got the Manor Park fam a customised baseball jacket YESSAH was over the moon man, wanted to buy one of such outerwear for a very long time but I guess that's settled! Sian June how sian..... 

On a side note, there's a solar eclipse happening in Guildford tomorrow morning?! Hope I get to catch it! 

Okay bed time! Thank you for checking up on me all you spies hehehehe enjoy your weekend!!


  1. I think i am your number one spy banabs

    1. I thank you for being so diligent then hahaha I appreciate it banabs

  2. also... u make me so jealous with all your plans. SEOUL UNI ALLLLL
