Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Monday in a Different Colour

I thought Monday was gonna be blue because for some reason I spent quite a bomb (in a budget sense) on my weekly groceries today, and had to top up my phone card because it was left with £0.04 and I had to make a call to Apple for the bloody third time to see if they could fix my phone. 

The first 2 times when I got connected to Apple, the call dropped for some weird reason which I can't fathom. And honestly, I was already getting used to this whole "brand new" phone concept and was planning to just drop the case if I get disconnected again. The woman who assisted me this time was way more experienced and professional than the previous ones, thankfully. She did the whole screen-sharing thing where she could view whatever was on my screen and guide me with this red cursor from her work place. I thought that was pretty cool.

Till... I had to open FaceTime and she could see how I looked like hahahaha that was embarrassing. Anyway, she was trying to help me in regards to some of my in-app purchases (because of the failure to restore my phone, I would have to re-purchase the app if I wanted to use it with this supposedly brand new phone) and I was just mindlessly trying out my passwords in hopes that it would finally recognise one of them and restore and then BAM!!! 

It did!!!!!!!! 

The fucking elation that consumed me was unexplainable. To add on to this joy, 2 of my parcels arrived today!!!! Not one, but T-W-O. So bloody happy. 

Plus, the weather was pissing amazing today?????? Would have uploaded a few shots I took today but the shit thing is that I lost all the pictures I took the past 6 days after I restored my phone..... but that's okay, it wasn't a lot of pictures to begin with, and I'm sure such weather would happen again and I will be able to capture 'em nature beauty once more! 

The only horrible thing that happened today was that I think I ate expired avocados. Tasted like shiat. Thank goodness for salmon and cherry tomatoes else I might just puke my dinner out. 

This is rather irrelevant but I am really quite a long-winded person HAHAHA. 

Bye bye. 

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