Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Coming of Age

Almost everything has been rather fine and dandy, but drawing the limelight to the thing that's making me a little hesitant and disappointed, I don't know how I'm going to rush my research AND plan for Japan in a week. 

I don't even know if my application will get through in time or even at all if I submit it now. It really isn't a good feeling to know that the financial capability of your family is restricting you to realise your dreams. But I will see what I can do! *positive vibes* 

Was scrolling through my Facebook timeline and came across an old song dedication video by a friend I've lost. It is times like this that makes you walk down memory lane and think about all the good times and you wonder what happened in between that led to this broken friendship. But I also understand that this is how life presents itself and everything does not last forever. I guess I should be glad that we were good friends once, and even though we have all moved on, at least we did play a rather significant role in each other lives at that point of time. That we mattered to one another.

That being said, I don't plan on fixing any of these friendships. Just reminiscing here and there. How melancholic haha. 

You lose friends and people with time and sometimes you don't really think about it. You don't think about it until you chanced upon an old picture of happy faces and heartfelt dedication and you wonder how those feelings and happy times fade off so naturally. But maybe that is one of life's protective mechanism to restrict one from feeling too much and too often. 

It is all about that moment - once its gone, its gone forever. But at least we did create good memories! That's what we look back to. So I'm still happy. Now I understand a little better about making the best out of all these little, random moments. To all the friends that I have gained and lost, I'm really glad that most of you are doing fine, great even! 

Nothing sappy or sad about this post, just a string of self-rationalising thoughts at this hour. 

Or maybe I'm just really tired need to SLEEP SLEEP SLEEP work is so draining at times.