Tuesday, February 11, 2014



I have been such an useless bum the previous week, just spending my days catching up on Running Man and just nua everywhere at home haha. If not for my mom's sprained waist, I was literally a couch potato for close to 16 hours. At least I was obliged to do the dishes and wash the clothes because my mom was pretty handicapped. Blessing in disguise, in some way I guess? Really needed that overwhelmingly relaxed week to recover from the intense overnight sessions spent writing up my final report. So glad that it is all over now!!!!

Internship has been great in general and I'm happy I could tick off some cafes off my bucket list since my office is situated in a hipster area surrounded by 'em cafes hiok. Really enjoyed the last few months of my internship even though it was so mad hectic and draining. Tons of experience and exposure gained, no regrets! :-) Also blessed with a superb NP advisor and colleagues whom I can be absolutely comfortable with yay.

That's not solely the Chameleon team, with our AVL vendor as well! 

This week, I vowed to be way more productive than before. And I am! Though I still spend my time using the laptop most times of the day, I'm waking up earlier to complete the housework chores and organising my things so all's good! Speaking of which, I was tallying my accounts and I realised I'm so bloody strapped on cash?!?!?!?! Haven't been doing my accounts obediently thus I have no idea where the hell all my money went to :-( My piggy bank's so pathetic right now, I hope those lost cash are somewhere in my bank account. Guess I really do have to take on a part-time job already, thankfully I think I found one!

Plus, I fully understand how housework can take up so much of one's time. No joke being a housewife or husband man. It literally just SUCKS your energy and time away so quickly. Finally convinced my dad to let me work on his chores god took both mom and I a week. But oh kay this is definitely good training before I fly off, and I hope I am able to better manage my time from all these chores.

Last Wednesday I spent the night with 3 others to celebrate our unofficial graduation and it was probably one of best nights ever. Though I have to admit it was pretty short-lived as well hahahaha but the process was so fun! Love nights like this, though it's not like I have tons of other nights to compare with hahaha.

Everyday I tell myself to absorb what's happening daily - the slow paced life, how I can go to bed and wake up without worrying about anything, I just have to focus on what I want to do and accomplish without any obligations. While I have all the time in the world, I am too lazy to actually meet up with friends hahahaha I just want to laze around at home and not spend money. Why am I such a boring person now ugh. The shitass burning weather doesn't help either.

Thinking about March just EXCITES the shit out of me. Hong Kong, Trial Camp and finally FOC. All back to back I AM SO BLOODY ENTHUSIASTIC WHOOP! I can't wait for HK CAN'T FREAKING WAIT.

Oh kay that's enough gud bai. 

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