Monday, November 25, 2013

Fairy Lights

ughhhhh just my luck what a stupid thing to do. 

Ok that aside, weekends were really well spent! Caught the Hunger Games with F after his first book out and tried the diy ice cream from Magnum Pleasure Store. $7 for a chocolate-coated vanilla ice cream and 3 average toppings that comes with fancy names... not much of a big deal but no harm trying. The golden flakes topping were pretty good though and the chocolate coating is thicker than average! 

Mandatory shot of a bloody expensive stick of pleasure (shame on you if you are having weird thoughts)

Finally met Hui Choo on Saturday and had breakfast food for dinner at The Bravery café. Such an easy cafe to miss since there weren't any signage or any of that sort around, but food's pretty decent and the staff are really friendly! I had their pancakes stack with bananas and crushed pistachio which I felt was above the norm, like the pancakes are just right yum. 

Headed down for Danzation after to support my Trila babies and it feels sooooooooooooo good to be back into their arms! Loved the entire production, everything was well planned out, props weren't shabby looking and all the animations were in superb quality. Seeing them dance really made me miss being on stage. I wonder how different my life would be if I held my imaginary balls and went for the auditions and actually get in HAHA.

Anyway, felt so so proud of the dancers and crazily overjoyed to be around them again. Very grateful that Trila is still surviving, though no longer full strength, but quantity isn't what that matters in most occasions right? :-)

These 2 guys, was trying to tip toe because I felt short and uncomfortable standing in the middle, but they followed and tip toed as well sheesh what a waste of effort. In any case, so glad to build Trila with the both of you. Not like we are emotionally close or anything, but it's great to find people whom you can click easily and also how our working styles complement one another :-)

Met Terence after god-knows-how-long to return his charger and chill together for a bit. You know there are some friends whom you haven't met for the longest time but when you do, there isn't a tinge of awkward atmosphere and you can still talk and behave like how you were in the past? Yeah he is that kind of friend, bonus points for being my neighbour as well haha. 

Oh yes, met my TF girls on Thursday for Ac's birthday celebration and had Korean cuisine for dinner. Wasn't much of a celebration though, felt more of another ketchup session but nevertheless, value-for-money meal and pretty good company though we couldn't stay out late since most of us have school (in my case, internship) the next day. Sorry Ac if you are still reading this hahaha. 

And why is it only Monday. 

On a side note, I hope the odds will be in my favor tomorrow. *crosses fingers* 

I'm missing some duck pizza and black sesame anything. 

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