Sunday, August 4, 2013

Bundle of Joy

Have been observing my thoughts and emotions for quite awhile now (like some sort of a 3rd party haha wth), and I came to a conclusion.

I dislike twitter. 

Or more like, I dislike the things I see on that platform. I have considered deactivating/deleting my account on several occasions, but for some reason I just decided to let things be. Maybe 'cause at the end of the day I'm still a sucker for social news and updates from friends, people and the world, which appears on my timeline pretty instantly too. (yay technology)

Why do I dislike then? Because you see pretentious people, you see people craving for attention and TLC, you see people who sees no positivity in life. Don't get me wrong, it is entirely fine to be upset; we all have our bad days. But it just doesn't make sense to have bad days for the entire month/year? Like the only thing you tweet is you being pissed off and upset about your whole life. It affects me indirectly, like I'm "mixing" with people who don't see the good, people who will never lift me higher. I have my own reasons for not un-following though, in case you are wondering. This is just my opinions, thinking aloud kinda thing. 

On the other hand, I love Instagram. Really, I do. Because people post things that made their day, things that make them satisfied, things that matter dearly to them, things that make them happy. It is a platform so overwhelmed with positivity and joy, and sometimes they inspire me, or even brighten my day up, even if its only slightly. 

Do you get what I'm trying to say? Haha. 

Happiness is a choice. You don't just sit around and expect a whole bundle of joy to roll to your side and ask to be friends with you. Yeah life gets difficult and stressful, you feel like shit on certain days, you cry yourself to sleep occasionally - but that's the thing. Such sad stuff should happen only occasionally, and not vice versa. If it happens on a regular basis, then it isn't your life that's the problem, its you. You decide how your life will be. If you choose to be happy, ultimately, you will be. 

As the saying goes, "just because you have a shit day, doesn't mean you are going to have a shit life." 

 Find and hold on to things that make you feel good. If people with the most tragic stories can be happy, why can't we? It's okay to feel like shit on certain days, it would be pretty weird to feel like sunshine 24/7, for 365 days. But there has to be a balance. Life can be a lot easier, it is all up to you, you know? 

Ah well, just expressing my thoughts. But really, I hope all of you have/will find things and people that make you happy. You can be happy!!!! Don't be sucked into peer influence where all of you just mop around and blame life. "Life isn't supposed to make you feel happy or sad, it's supposed to make you feel." You decide how you wanna feel! So feel good!!! 

Ok hope you all enjoyed your weekends! I enjoyed mine though it was spent on procrastinations. 

Good night and good bye :-)


  1. I tweet for your attention and TLC. Please love me.

  2. HI WING hehehehe thank you wongatart and no you will not get my love please queue up thanks Abby.
