Monday, June 24, 2013


Monday came and school happened anyway. I dreaded going back to school after a good and fulfilling 3 weeks break, but I also wanted to get over my data gathering assessment. Fortunately/unfortunately, I finished mine first thing in the morning hoo ha. 

Summary of my great break:

NPSU Appreciation Dinner: MASQUE

Finally pulled off this last event for the 31st and despite all the stress and obstacles faced during the start, as well as along the way, I'm glad that things still ended well! Never regretted taking this event up even though it wasn't an obligation. Another event, another experience to take home and learn. Yay. 

A huge thanks to all those who turned up, the very talented and interactive hosts, NUSS and the rest of my suppliers, as well as the planning committee for Masque. Couldn't have done this without your help!


Headed off to USS and then a stay over at Hard Rock Hotel with my 31st Exco to (un)officially mark the end of our office term. That Monday is one of the best days in my life, spent with the best team I could ever ask for. So much fun and laughter despite the exhaustion. It was bittersweet, especially during the night (waterfall session x13), but all in all it was an extremely good closure for the 13 of us. The entire year, though exceptionally exhausting and draining, was good while it lasted. I'm so thankful to be part of the 31st, so thankful for the 12 of you. A memory and an experience that will never be replaced. :')

Self-sourced Internship
Almost thought that I have to surrender to the internship partners that the school has paired up with, but thankfully for my lucky stars, I managed to get hold of an interview with a company that I self-sourced and got accepted!!!!! Can't wait for internship to begin, kinda like the surroundings of my work place, since it's so near to Clarke Quay and quite a number of cafes scattered around whoohoo. 

Finally booking in to a camp not as a participant or a planning committee, but (finally) as a crew member! But screw the haze because I hardly did anything. In fact, I didn't do anything except my holiday assignments. And eat. I ate so much lol. Not as excited anymore but I'm still looking forward to Trial and FOC huha huha crew is cool crew is cool.


What's new right. A holiday without projects just doesn't seem right anymore. -_- But thankfully, the final year's projects are more interesting and hands-on compared to the previous years, even though the workload and all is shit. Had to do a walk-in audit, otherwise known as Mystery Shopper for various f&b establishments.


31st Executive Committee + Misc.

This June break also marks the end of my commitments in Students' Union. It has been something that I have been looking forward to, yet when the end is here I find it hard to let go. But on the bright side, I finally have the time to catch-up on my academics, personal and social life from now. I am almost like a free bird now, only tied down by project deadlines, revisions and examinations. My last lap and term in school, I am going to give my all for this semester before I regret!

Managed to finally meet up with my favourite bird, and instead of the normal meals at cafes, we decided to do something different and settled our dinner at Newton Food Circus yummmmm! We overfed ourselves (as usual) and got convinced by her to walk to Novena before heading home. Had a good time with that woman, excited for more to come.

Alright, I can't think of anything else and this post is wordy enough so I will just end it here. Thank you for reading all the way till the end hahaha.

Can't wait for graduation trips and Sogurt Bash this Wednesday!!!

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