Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mothers' Day

Hello wello! Happy Mothers' Day yay.

^ Mom and I completely bare-faced but that doesn't stop us from photo booth-ing hahaha. She started complaining about her pigment after this picture haha I will upload more decent ones when I find the time to transfer all the pictures in my g12 that we took today! 

Was a lazy Sunday, wanted to wake up early to complete my tutorials but meh, slept till the afternoon and had absolutely 0 mood to start on my work. Only managed to complete 1 tutorial, I think I need to cultivate the habit to complete tutorials right after the lecture so I won't procrastinate during the weekends. Completing them earlier means more personal time right? That should motivate me. YES I WILL DO THAT STARTING NEXT WEEK.

Hahahaha ok. We shall see how long this lasts. 

Anyho, brought Mom and Dad to this Japanese restaurant called RakuZen at Millenia Walk! Food, ambience and service was really good. If you like Sushi Tei, this is a good alternative and it isn't very expensive as well! Will talk more about the food we ordered in the next post or something! 

Finally met up with Lydz yesterday, though I had to wait 3 hours for that woman haha. It was a good 3 hours spent roaming around town and finding for art stuff alone though! Settled for HK Cafe for dinner and finally sinked my teeth into a custard bun mmmmmm! Talked so much, especially with Yoguru in our hands dreaming about being entrepreneurs hahahaha hey maybe we will really become one soon ;-) In any case, it was good to finally meet and talk after so freaking long and like what she said, "we did it." 

Another week of school! Another week nearer to my common tests period. Meh. 

Well let's hope that Monday Blues doesn't affect us too badly tomorrow! Night x.

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