Friday, December 7, 2012

Humbled and Ashamed

The end of this week marks the beginning of the Common Tests period and I'm worried for my law paper tomorrow. So many points, sub-points, definitions, general rules and case laws to memorise. Who on earth has paper on a Saturday anyway. So saddening and absurd. 

Anyway, my point for saying this is because I am really humbled by the love given to me from my mother. Without fail, she would come up to me every single night for the whole week before she sleeps to give me a good body massage on her own accord. I never did have to request, she just did out of love for her only child, and ever so willingly. Even though she's exhausted, even though she could have simply wish me good night, plant some encouraging words and go to bed, she does all these just to make me feel better. Perfect example of actions > words. 

It amazes me how far parents would go just to make sure you are alright. Sometimes, I am really guilt-stricken by her love and actions because it remind me of how much of a failure I am as her daughter. Am I willing to do the same for her? Will such a thought even flash through my mind? Hm. 

It also got me thinking - will I do this for my child in future? Or will I constantly rely on "tiredness" as an excuse?

The love for a child from a mother knows no ends. If I ever have the chance to enter into motherhood, I want to be someone like my Mother. One who doesn't speak of love much, and chooses to show it through actions instead. Inspiring.

And with all the love and support she has given me, how can I not do my best for my law paper tomorrow? Here I am being so complacent, procrastinating 24/7. Sigh pie. 

So as of 11:13 P.M., my concentration is all for you, Tourism Law. Please love me like how my Mom does? Heh. 

All the best to everyone who has tests for this upcoming week. Just one week and it will all be over, let's go :-)

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