Wednesday, October 10, 2012


I. Am. Back.

For more than a week now hahaha and as much as I wanted to update this space of mine, I find myself procrastinating about the transferring and editing of the thousands of pictures I have in my g12. I've never really had proper rest (except for a day, I think. And I spent it clearing my wardrobe and washing my new clothes) ever since I returned from Paris. Not that I'm complaining haha it was good to meet up with my buddies! 

I would do a detailed post on Paris. I mean, I HAVE to right?! It's god damn Paris I am talking about. I miss the weather over there (except when it starts to get windy) and the French aren't exactly what you thought they are. But the place is really beautiful and breath-taking. And even that is an understatement to describe Paris. 

And their food. Ooooooo their food. *drools* 

Anyway. The only reason why I finally managed to find some time to do a little update is because I am mother shit ass bored at work. Even though it is such a huge conference, there is absolutely nothing to do. And even if there is, it's the itty bitty things that requires probably only about 5 minutes of your time. I'm in charge of this room which barely anyone enters. So my fellow working friends usually just come over to grab coffee or a nap. I've learned absolutely nothing from this job but the pay is really more than decent hahaha so yeah I shouldn't complain. I even get to surf the net, illegally or not. 9/hr for doing absolutely nothing... yeah I really shouldn't whine. 

Ashraf has been crashing my room ever since yesterday so I was well-occupied for awhile. We tried out acting - in which he failed terribly. But it was hilarious hahahahahahaha. Today, we started doing personality tests. I love personality tests. It intrigues me a hell lot and I know sometimes what they say on these stuff aren't true/accurate, I guess it is the thrill of trying to get to know yourself better that keeps me interested. I don't want to get too absorbed into this though, I don't want to risk conforming into what they say about "me". If you get what I mean. 

This is one post that literally screams "random". I think I can continue rumbling on but I think it is wordy enough in a span of 10 minutes. 

Laters, folks ;-) 

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