Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Hunger For Something New

"Bury the words that scar you."


As ironic as this may sound, my life has been pretty packed with all the bonding outings and camps but yet life still feels mundane at the same time. I guess I am just a little sick of this carefree lifestyle, not that I am saying this isn't good, I think I just miss studying. Rushing through tutorials, presentations, reports and projects... I miss all of that, just a little!

But of course, when school reopens, I am going to complain and procrastinate about all the above that I currently miss. Ah, life's so predictable, isn't it.

Current perks: Team Bonding Camp was pretty good! The dirty games were too unforgettable gosh haha. Pretty addicted to Upsexy's (my group) cheers still! Got selected to be a SL for this year's RED Camp! AHHHH SO BLESSED THAT I AM ABLE TO HAVE THIS OPPORTUNITY. Go Vikings go! Though most of my friends are in Ninjas but oh well, I'm sure everyone in Vikings will be just as great!

So for all you Secondary 4 students out there, don't forget to sign up for RC8 okay! It will be something you won't regret! Can't wait to see all of you in November!

BA0 outing was successful I'm glad I went though I was sunburnt pretty badly! Went to Topshop/Topman fashion show recently with Jeraldyn and sadly it wasn't impressive. Well, it was a first for both of us though! RC SL outing was really fun though we still hanged around with familiar people at the end of the day. Barbeque at Jeraldyn's place with the SU kids was a blast, definitely enjoyed all the food and the company!

Guess that's about all? Planning to go town alone tomorrow, don't ask me why, #foreveralone mode now so yeah hahaha it will be a good change!

Next week's gonna be really really packed. Won't be home for 5 days due to Perisetquil chalet, TRM Cruise Trip and SL Camp! All Time Low Concert and Aunt's graduation @ SIM coming up in a few days whoop whoop.

Ok I need to try sleeping early because I have been looking like shit for too long. Good night x

On a side note, I finally watched Step Up 3 online today, and I really miss dancing. Feel like picking it up again sigh!

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