Monday, August 22, 2011

Falling In

Gud afternoon guyz, just woke up not too long ago from a great nap with 3 other dying kids (Jeraldyn, Alvin and Aaron) hahaha. Examinations have started since Friday for me, three papers down one more to go on Thursday so I plan to just take my own sweet time to study for it heehee.

Yesterday was hardcore studying session with Jdyn, Alvin, Bryan and Aaron @ Starbucks! Mugged for Business Statistics for almost 8 hours straight, was juggling between doing tutorials and past sem. paper and memorizing theories while tutoring Alvin. What's worse was that I thought my paper was on Tuesday till Vin told me it was on Monday seriously freaked out cause it screwed all my study plans sigh! Had to rush everything within that 10 hours and even skipped dinner. Maybe because I had 2 drinks, one venti (Dark Mocha) and one grande (Choc. Chip), and ate one tuna pie hahaha thanks Vin for the treat but yeah. Had serious mental block, got so bad till Vin had to teach me instead of the other way round at one point haha gosh. Funniest thing that happened? Bird shit, diarrhea form, on Aaron's notes hahaha! Caught Clarisse and Ai Choo there too neheh. But anyway, yesterday was a really productive day for me and I am so proud of Vin cause he actually studied and even understood almost everything! (Y)

Couldn't fall asleep last night, was feeling really optimistic and I think the caffeine in the Dark Mocha did it's magic too. Went home and started revising again at 1 in the morning, forced myself to sleep at 330 am and woke up at 645 from a morning call :-) Great start! And I wasn't feeling exhausted or anything hahaha I feel good! Hope I managed to get at least a B for my Bstats paper, hoping Vin managed to pass it too! Lookin' like shit these few weeks though, late nights, little sleep, mug mug mug. Ok not really but whatever. Eye bags, dark eye rings and shit are all showing up! Have been tying my hair up like a samurai because it helps me concentrate better and I feel more awake that way, but that also means looking more like shit than ever. (Above pictures say it all)

I'm gonna be free when Thursday comes and then it is the holidays bitchesssss! Can't wait can't wait, so many things to do during the hols, considering if I should go take up a part-time job at TCC hehehe really wanna try working there oh well! See how things go~

This post is getting too wordy, I wonder who actually reads this space hmm. Ok I am gonna start a little on LLM once Jdyn and Alvin comes back from lunch.

Think I should go home for dinner tonight. Miss family dinners, been having very little of that ever since I entered Ngee Ann. Guilty!


I actually like this challenge a lot, makes me look forward to unexpected ___ and it feels... comforting. Feels real and somehow genuine too. I like this :-)

Signing out from Jdyn's Macbook, buaiz!

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