Saturday, February 26, 2011

Throw Your Soul Through Every Open Door

Hola!!!!! So while I was stalking people's blogs and formsprings (oh shit I forgot to stalk Tumblrs), trying to figure out what is up with Twitter and raping the "Play" button of the cover Christina Grimmie did on Rolling in the Deep...

I've decided to blog! I know I didn't post much in the month of January- Don't get me wrong! I mean, yes I kinda had a bad start but I do have my happy moments too! Just that the urge to blog in January wasn't there. Like zilch. Hmm.

So in January, I...
  • Celebrated Sherlyn's 17th birthday @ The Glasshouse!

(2E1'08!! Bahahaha)

  • Stayed over at her Dad's condo where I, for the first time in my life, kissed a girl
  • and touched tongues with another
  • Celebrated my Mom's birthday with my Dad @ Sushi Tei. Heaven food yaw I'm sorry some of the pictures looks quite bare cause my Dad ate most of what's on the plate before I could take a picture, I took out a few cause they're really pathetic ) :

  • Caught my first M18 movie in the theaters: Love and Other Drugs with my primary school mates
  • Had my first afternoon date with Kirene felt so much better after talking to her
  • Had a dinner gossip session with Kwan @ Sakae he is one guy which you cannot watch while eating he makes you full just by watching him
  • Celebrated Brenda's 17th birthday @ Amara with Sherlyn Bin Suwanie Tiffany and Chung An had an awesome time especially midnight speeding along the highway with Like a G6 blasting in Suwanie's boyfriend's car hahaha
Stupid bitches

  • Went for some job interviews with Leo, but not really successful hahaha but it is not because we got rejected ok!!
Yup, so basically besides what I've blogged about in January, this is a brief update on what's up during then! The first month of 2011 wasn't the sweetest one though, besides losing someone who means pretty much a lot to me, I kinda lost one of my closest friend too. No make it two. And I completely lost another close friend too. Gave up trying to make things right between us o well.

BUT I did enjoy a lil' of heaven during then too so it wasn't all that sad and bleak and pathetic eh ^^

Think I will give a brief update on February tomorrow! Because the pictures aren't with me now aw damn. February is one helluva busy month for me had things on almost every single day but oh gosh...

I looooooove busy days!!!!!!!!!

So today! I went for work -_- But hey today is the only day I felt really okay working. Like I wasn't bored or whatever. I didn't have the oh-mai-gawd-why-this-stack-taking-forever-to-clear-up feeling. I wasn't even rushing to get home. I came and asked my boss if I could switch on the air-con and she was okay with it :B

But it was really really hot!!! Anyway I didn't just tell you I on the air conditioner for nothing okay. After I closed the door, I went psycho.

I started singing and making constipated faces, blasted my music through my earpiece and starting singing again. I think I even danced on my chair bahahaha it was fun while it lasted! I was too lazy to call my boss to clear some doubts cause she was one floor up so I decided to call her up hahahaha. I used a paper clipper (the damn huge one, red colour some more) to clip my fringe cause it was so annoying. I spent 3 minutes trying to search for an original copy of a certain invoice when it was always at the top of the entire stack.

Ahhhh, the privacy.

So tomorrow, or rather later, gonna get some ingredients with Nick and Cow then we are gonna catch Black Swan. Like finally!!!!!

I am going to end my last day of February by celebrating Joel's 17th birthday with the rest of my primary school mates at his place, playing Kinect hahaha I finally know what's a Kinect!!!

It will be fun. And March will be even better. Definitely much better.

More busy days, less drama, more laughter. I can't wait for March!!!!

Next post coming up tomorrow (I think) so keep a look out for it! Not like anyone is that interested I'm just trying to act enthusiastic like as if I'm a five-star blogger hahaha.

K shoot me.

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