Wednesday, June 24, 2015


A change of plans and circumstances has led me to buy flight tickets back to Singapore, and I really really really really REALLY cannot bloody stand the humidity here. The heat is bearable, but the air is so god damn still and suffocating. All my skin problems are slowing re-surfacing and it really sucks man. But surprising my parents was the best idea yet hahahaha loved their reactions albeit a little... emotionless. Guess that's where I got my personality from lol. 

That aside, I honestly felt like nothing has changed since I left. In fact I felt like I was never really gone from this country for 9 months. Everything felt familiar; too familiar for comfort actually. And when I view snapchats from my Singaporean friends who are still in England, I find myself questioning if I was really part of them; suddenly those moments seem so foreign to me. It is a very strange feeling and I can't quite grasp what the heck is going on, but just to clarify things this isn't something good or bad. It is just a matter of fact, maybe my mind is still adjusting and adapting, I don't know haha. 

And to be honest, I don't really talk much about life back in England here but instead I find myself involved in conversations that revolves around my friends' lives, drama (hahahaha) and just random topics. Yeah I do talk about some of my travels but nothing too in-depth. I just don't feel like talking much about it because... every time I'm being asked I suddenly am at a loss for words. 

Fortunately, I didn't experience any jet lag but for some odd reason I wake up automatically after having 6 hours of sleep -_- I need my minimum 8 man this is not working out sigh. Have been heading out with friends and relatives and the fact that I will be flying to Korea for 6 weeks in 2 days hasn't quite hit me yet. And yes that means I am highly unmotivated to pack my luggage. In fact, my luggages aren't completely unpacked yet HAHA. 

AND coming back to food paradise also means no paradise for my body LOL I see my stomach growing bigger every day ahahahahaha and it is so uncomfortable?! Having an injured foot does not make things any better either. Didn't think a hit from a friendly tkd competiton could be so extreme, ugh. But it is okay I really miss all my asian cuisines ESPECIALLY MY LIU SHA BAO. I only realised how much I miss those buns after having my first bite in months yesterday holy shit I actually can feel the ache in my heart I AM NOT BEING DRAMATIC HERE I SWEAR. And let's not forget the second food I crave quite terribly - the glorious unagi oh my daaaaaaaze.

Completely grateful for all these friends and fam especially to Ws and Dev for coming to fetch me from the airport, and basically just wanting to meet and eat good food with me hehehe thank you all. 

^ Was supposedly only going to meet Chanel and Kiku but suddenly there was a mini Gyss reunion at Thomson hahaha thought it might be awkward initially but it turned out to be a really funny night hahaha. And because of this 'reunion', I got a lot of help for 'settling down' in Korea because Huiting was studying there for about a year, awesome possummmmm :-) 

Can't believe I am left with one more year of Uni, and then hello work force and politics lol. I look forward to graduation but not to the responsibilities and pressure of being a full grown adult. Insurance, house, credit cards, income, car, parents' allowance... sigh not stokeddddddd. 

Oh well, just going to enjoy this short-lived liberation for now. Life's been great, so before the Uni stress and workload kicks in, I am just going to eat and laugh to my heart's content GUD BAI. 

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