Tuesday, February 24, 2015


Genius me set my alarm at 0815h when my class begins at 0900h today. Didn't realise this glaring fact and even had the cheek to laze around in bed until 0828h and then it hit me. 

Class. At. 9. Freaking. Am. 

Don't know what was I thinking, but surprisingly enough I didn't panic hahaha but it did remind me of all the times back in Polytechnic where I always wake up a little too late and had to guiltily trouble Papa Lim to fetch me to school hahahaha. No more of such luxury though. 

But I am pretty smug at the fact that I got ready in 12 minutes and even made it to class right on the dot. Had to skip breakfast though, wasn't very happy with that. 

Anyway, I was sorting out my pictures and I came across this screenshot that was taken quite awhile back. 

Sometimes I look at myself and wonder what have I done to deserve such friends. I suck at initiating, and these people know that, hate that fact, complain about it, but still stick around anyway. I really should be more appreciative of these friendships but time makes one takes things for granted I guess. Because I honestly don't think very much of myself, these kind of blunt/straight-in-your-face statements makes me feel like a treasure HAHA. This paragraph however does not limit to the annoying friend above but to all the other friends that stood by my flaws and constantly check up/hold daily conversations with me even though I take ages to reply hahaha. 

Yeah so thank you ma homies :-) 

I think I'm reminiscing a little too much these days. Alrai back to the grind gbye. 

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