Monday, March 31, 2014


Initially I planned to pen down my recent graduation trip to Hong Kong but today turned out to be a really nice surprise so I am going to blog about this first! 

My morning and afternoon was fun and productive even though Allie was too tired to go ahead with the plan and went back to sleep instead. But it's okay because the point of this whole post is about this evening. 

I received a random text from my Korean colleague in the afternoon, asking if I was free later in the evening to accompany her to look at some rented houses. In all honesty, even though I was a little thrilled I was slightly hesitant in the beginning because this was something out of my comfort zone, plus it was a pretty last minute request. My friends would know that I'm definitely not a big fan of impromptu plans (though I have to admit, some of them turned out pretty damn well) especially when it's after dinner time and I've only worked with her twice or thrice. But she is a reaaaaaaally nice person and I figured that she probably really needed my help since she can't really converse well in English. 

So I agreed. 

So long story short, I had a really good time getting to know her even better outside the restaurant, and it was so much fun telling her about Singapore and our culture, plus getting to know more about Korea's culture too. Introduced her to tang yuans and muah chee and now she is in love with them and now I can't wait to bring her around Sg so she can try our local food and fall in love with them too. 

Oh. I always knew that rented houses in Sg is expensive but I didn't know it was so freaking steep? Plus it is not like you have a fancy room or facilities. Ah, tough life for the foreigners here man. But it was still a really interesting experience :-) 

So evidently, I'm really happy that I stepped out of my comfort zone this time round (it has been a long time since I did that) despite the slight language barrier and now I'm able to experience and keep this moment. I'm really thankful hahaha cheap thrills? 

So this is my new Korean friend. And trust me you won't believe her age haha. 

O k back to itinerary planning for my upcoming trips AM STOKED I love planning whoohoo. 

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