Monday, February 24, 2014

Fast Lane

Haaaaaaaaaay. Oh kay so some quick updates before I call it a day. 

Went for Michael Learns To Rock concert with Mama and Papa Lim over the weekends - kinda like my belated Valentine's Day gift to them hahaha quite expensive but oh my lord I swear IT WAS SO WORTH IT. They were super impressive live, they sound exactly like their recordings and the audience was just singing along. 

There were quite a few occasions where MLTR just stopped completely just to listen to the crowd singing to their songs it was so touching and heartwarming hahaha. It felt really nice to see different generation groups of people coming together under one roof to enjoy simple humble music. I guess its a good way to say that MLTR songs withstand the test of time, their songs are still gold ahhhhhhh. It was a concert with no fancy lights, animations and dance moves, just a very simple and decent setting with no intermissions and good old music. So glad I heard them live yay. 

My dad so cute the next morning he blasted MLTR songs hahaha and I have imported all of them into my iPod he he he he. 

Met up with Irfan for a meal at The Marmalade Pantry dayum the crabmeat linguine is really quite the shit I might order just for myself if there's a next time (I ordered the hotcakes it was decent but nothing fancy pancy). Supposed to head down to SSDC to collect some booklets and all that stuff but I was too lazy and tired to move my ass but anyhow it was a good free meal hehehe yes its true when they say the best things in life are free absolutely true in this case whoop. 

Then Monday came along and the best thing is HUAT NO MONDAY BLUES YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. 

Though I didn't start my morning like how I wanted to but it was ultimately still very productive got up pretty early to do some house chores such as cleaning the rooms, washing of the outside floor and clothes and finally I did not watch Running Man but watched Mulan instead hahaha ONE OF MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE MOVIES and my most adored Disney princess (I think she's under Disney right whoops) that's how women should behave not in the sense where we go sign up for a war but you know like dignity self-respect independent all that combo qualities yeah you get my drift. 

And then it was some exercise time at the school's gym with my best bud before dinner at Roadhouse with Jdyn and Alvin YES sat in a Mini yet again and my prawn patty burger was pretty good, the person who came up with the names for its menu must have quite a good sense of humor cause mine was named Prawn Star and it really did crack me up hahahahaha. 

(Credits goes to Jdyn for this picture mine was a fail so I kope HAHA)

Watched some adults (including 1 cocky one) tried their burger challenge - mind you that's 6 wagyu beef patties in between toasted buns swimming in a pool of french fries and a bowl of coleslaw plus you have to finish it clean within 20 minutes. 

Cocky guy: 20 minutes is not an issue, the real challenge is to finish it within 6 minutes. 

L O L guess who failed the challenge and proceeded to puke in the toilet your ego and pride must be feeling the same burn as your throat. 

Tried their S'mores dessert thingy it was alright overall food's decent but the price isn't. Good night out though, no in fact, GOOD DAY so happy today's so fulfilling. It's been more than 2 years since the three of us hanged now we shall wait for April hahaha #kiasu

Full body massage tomorrow GOD I MISS THAT ok till the next update. 

Good night pumpkins :-)

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