Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Mountain Sound

Finally, my mind feels so much lighter a few days of being gloomy and angry at the world. These past 3 weeks have been absolute madness, with major project submissions at the end of the week and presentations that follows on Tuesday and Wednesday, sleep has unfortunately became secondary in my life. 

Sleep was a want, not a need. Time is/was the only thing that mattered. 

I was pretty down and defeated about my industry project submission on Friday; I think all my group mates were. Felt like the sleepless night, furious typing and hard work went straight down the drain. This module really meant so much to me. Really got me bad, totally killed my weekends. It's our fault for underestimating the time needed; 24 hours proved to be not enough. Thankfully, Friday's dinner with Allie was a good idea haha thank you for cheering me up and tolerating my zombie-fied face it was good while it lasted! Thank you for sticking through all these years even though you have so many reasons not to. Best friends huat. 

Done with all my major report submissions and I'm down with 1 more report and 3 more presentations. Can't wait for next week's Wednesday before it officially marks the end of all these bullshit. 

On a lighter note, I'm finally 19. Though this year I had really 0 "feel" to celebrate. How to have "feel" with all these submissions and presentations preparations? I honestly wished it was just another normal day, so I could really feel excited to celebrate my last teen year proper. But whatever, same shit different year! Birthdays never meant much to me to begin with. In any case, Monday got better at night though, when I had porkupine's company ;-)

Also I wanna thank everyone who wished and celebrated for me. All the dinners, gifts and dedications... I really liked it! Here's to a fat Joyce this July woop woop. 

Alright, time for another round of presentation prep. Catch you guys during the weekends if time allows. Meanwhile, here's what my group mates and I were up to when we stayed up in school illegally and rushed through our report with 0 hours of rest. 

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