Sunday, April 21, 2013

In Vain

Just a quick post before I head to bed :-)

First week of school is over, time flies by so fast its so hard to really stop and enjoy a moment. Sigh! But anyway, putting aside the fact that I really do need to cultivate a habit of at least being punctual for my lectures, I would say first week went by pretty well! 

Came back from a short getaway from Indonesia and I guess that trip really made me realise and deal with certain issues that were bothering me for quite a well. "Don't wait for next time", I'm glad I'm starting to learn to put aside that hugeass ego I have and save friendships which I come to realise, mattered to me. I've done what I can and whatever happens, happens. At least I've tried! :-) 

Will talk about my trip to the outskirts of Indonesia when I find the motivation and time to do so! It's really affordable for a short getaway if you are interested! 

Other than that, Union's getting busy with all the events organised specially for the freshmen and also the student body! CCA Fiesta, Movie Under The Stars and Magnitude13 (DJ GHETTO WHOOHOO) has been really good and I can't wait to clear future events as well! 

Really have to switch back to geek mode and give my all for my modules, especially my industry project, where we get to work with real clients. Don't wanna disappoint myself or my group mates. Up the game up the game! 

Oh. Headed down to UQ's Open Day with my favorite BA girls today and we finally managed to get our mouths on Shiok Maki omg really damn shiok. Haha another good day out with Rach and Abz! Right now I just need to find enough money to support my studies and accommodation (plus plus plus) at Brisbane. Sigh pie. 

Ok good night! 

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