Monday, April 30, 2012


Pumped Up Kicks (Acoustic) - Foster The People

Hi there! Whoever you are, I hope you are having/had a great day today. :-)

I love the acoustic version of Pumped Up Kicks. I know it is very overrated and all, but this song is probably one of my all time favourites. I never get tired of listening to it, it brightens me up hehe. 

Got to admit I was slightly cranky this morning, but X-J2EW (formerly known as The Outcasts) made my day better with their annoying yet hilarious actions. Jared was entertaining himself the entire day, and it is really entertaining to see him entertained hahaha. 

Appreciation Dinner later, one of those rare times where most of the 48 Avatar gls will be there. Kinda looking forward to it! Staying at the loft again tonight, I'm predicting a sleepless yet memorable night with Avatar! 

Timbre with Chanel, Lai Yee and Yu Ling on Tuesday, it will be our virgin trip there and I'm really looking forward to it! Though that means I have to rush on my tutorials again sigh. Yesterday was such an unproductive weekend tsk tsk. Queen of procrastination is I. 

OH. And if you are interested in leather goods, do check out ! They customised really cool stuffs *thumbs up*

Alright. Have a very good labour day tomorrow! 

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