Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Promise This

I feel a little handicapped right now. My dad kidnapped my CPU away and then replace it with my Mom's office's laptop. I am not complaining! But ugh no iTunes have to keep raping Youtube it gets so annoying!

Can you imagine, you have to stop what you are doing in every 3 minutes just to go to Youtube and change/repeat a song? Irritating!!!!!!

But that aside, the 'O' levels results are out. Oh my god I couldn't stand the suspense. I think the path I had to walk to get my results was probably the longest walk I ever had in my 16 years of life. But when I heard what Ling-Seet said to me oh my god felt so relieved.

Hands trembled like crazy when I tried to tear open the whatever you call that, couldn't even tear it right. Saw my points and oh my goshhhhh.
Everything was worth it. (Late nights, tuition, last minute studying for maybe 2 tests the next day, homework, remedials, supplementary, practices, no life routine, trying to stay awake, sleeping in class...)

(To those who looked down on me, fug you.)

Now just hoping I could get into the course I plan to get it. I think I am going to the temple. HAHA. Hoping to submit my 12 choices before 12mn! Gosh why give so many choices such a chore to find exactly 12. Gna be really nervous on 26 January, again.

Anywayz, my results kinda pushed me to get on with life and move on. I hope 26 January won't be a disappointment. Sigh hate this kind of feeling baaaaah.

Okay gonna hit the JAE books bye good night!!

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