Thursday, March 27, 2014

Midnight City

Hollaaaaaa. Ah so much has happened in the month of March and as much as I am excited to share it on this page, I can't be arsed to edit the hundreds of pictures and think of the content. So... allow fat bum Joyce to just fill you in for the day.

Yvette came to sleep over at my place the night before, and I think I dozed off a couple of times hahahaha and tried to pretend that I was always in the conversation and mumbled whatever I thought was relevant. Think I did pretty well hahaha if only scoring an A for exams is that easy???! Idiot girl wouldn't allow me to head to bed early and for some weird ass reason I woke up way before my alarm clock so I AM TIRED MAN I AM TIRED. Had to make breakfast for her too tsk such a princess. 

Met Chanel afterwards and I finally satisfied my garlic bread cravings!!!! Oh my god it has been so long I really laaaaaaav Pizza Hut's version it reminds me of a LIU SHA BAO fwoah. 

Ok la not very visually appealing but you have to try it to know it man no shit. ^

And did you know Auntie Anne's now sells green tea pretzels??????? Couldn't resist not trying it so I got one for myself and really you have to be a pretty big green tea fan because the taste of it is really quite strong but damn girl I love it. 

Both of us didn't do much, just walking around town and such but idk... I felt this contentment? I felt at peace hahaha it was a good distraction. Home-cooked family dinners have now hold extreme great importance in my heart gosh I really love home cooked food my Dad's a great chef man. Feels slightly weird when I don't go home for dinners hahaha I make it a point to go home for dinner on most days. Sometimes that makes me feel like I don't have a social life cause I'm always having all my meals at home so I probably head out for like what, 4-5 hours? But deep down I know I really enjoy being this "homely". Ah, just random thoughts hm. 

Niao was talking on the phone and for the second time of the week we wore something similar - firstly it was the clothing and today was our footwear. So I took a picture to conceal this rare moment. LOL DEEP NOT. 

And then I tried to take cooler shots while standing on a patch of grass but all the pictures turned out so poser-ish hahaha that above was au natural ~_~

Oh! I've been surfing the net and there are so many cafes I have yet to explore and try??? I feel so outdated ahahahaha and there are more cafes popping all around the island now! Can't wait to feast hahaha what is diet what is exercise so sad :-( 

My graduation text from NP came. NOPE no signs of excitement for some odd reason I guess everything hasn't sink in yet. My dad's so cute though he said he will come to my graduation in a coat and tie hahahaha. My dad has been such a sweetheart lately, all the little things he does and initiates aw and I'm really happy earlier on 'cause my mama gave me a vintage arm candy as a graduation present. :') HAHA actually I asked if she could treat that as a graduation gift and she said yes but eh the fact that she said yes very willingly and lovingly quite touching also!!! 

And to my favourite bird, if you are reading this, don't be discouraged!!!! Everything happens for a reason I am sure better things are coming your way okay :-) Always here fer ya ok. You will always be as hipster as your ez-link card.

(srsly guys I bet majority of you don't even know a BLACK ez-link card exist.)


I really don't know how I should feel about this. Ugh, life and its struggles. How unnecessary. 

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