Monday, July 15, 2013

The Finale

Hello wello n_n

Last week was the beginning of my hell week and I got it really bad from Thursday to Friday, literally stayed up the whole night and morning just to edit our reports. It is one shit feeling when you have 2 final report submissions on the same day, I can only thank god that they are due at different timings. Year 3 is really one crazy year, never in my life would I imagine that I would one day submit a report worth 11k words (that's like 63 pages by the way) in my polytechnic life. Guess there's really a first in everything. 

Of course, the satisfaction you get when you see your report gets binded, maaaaaayn, so worth it. I hope it meets our lecturers expectations. 

This week is gonna be another crazy week, with a 35% individual presentation (w/o script omg how to survive) and another 2 report submissions this Friday. And that's not even the end of it -_- 

But I have to say, I really put in a lot more effort and took up a lot more tasks for my projects this year as compared to the previous 2. Don't wanna regret my last year meh. Sometimes, I still feel I could have done more, but we as humans are never really satisfied right? Haha. 

Anyway today, I was running pretty late for my guest lecture so I decided to skip it (don't wanna embarrass myself and appear rude to whoever that was talking), and headed to Cold Storage to do some grocery shopping which led me to spending a whopping amount of bloody $69. 


But it was really therapeutic though! And I can share it with my family yay. And after a week of shit work load, I am finally home for dinner again whoooop! 

Ok. Some visuals from a month back or so. 

Pull through everyone :-)

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