Sunday, July 28, 2013



Finally, the weeks where I struggled to survive on less than 3 hours of rest each day is overrrrrr. Thursday was the last of it all, so thankful that PFM's practical test turned out easier than expected, thankful that my marker was WK and not V hahaha. I'm secretly glad that I was the second batch for BComm's presentation - lower expectations to meet and I don't have to prepare for it now. Can solely concentrate on my last everrrrrrr presentation at NUSS on Wednesday! 

Sian that there's NAPFA on Tuesday though sigh pie. 

Here's a picture of my group mates and I after our last presentation in campus. Guess its mandatory to take it with the "School of BA" sign because as cheesy as it seems, I know I will be glad I took with it when I look back at this picture a few years down the road. Yay to being a BA kid! 

So surreal to think how crazily bad I wanted to enter Ngee Ann as a BA kid during my secondary 4 days hahahaha. 

Guess it was a job well done. Fruits of our labour, worth it, worth it :-) 

Anyhoo, I have been enjoying my weekends! Yay to rest days. Started Saturday off with some advanced core workshop with the banabs who was such a humorous distraction (including my too-large Toms which caused me to slip non-stop) but without him it would be really boring. Caught Grown Ups 2 with porkupine before checking JEMS out, where I succumbed to temptation and had a mini retail therapy. And then finally, dinner with my TF girls at Mu Parlour (!!!!!!!!!)

It's always a challenge to meet with all 8 present because of our schedules and all, but every single time we come together, it's definite that it will be another day/night of fun. Enjoyed the girls' company and all the retarded things we do. 

Mu's Breakfast ($16). I'm really easy-going with food so I would say they serve pretty decent food. The only unfortunate thing was that my poached eggs didn't end up "poached", and the hollandaise sauce taste kinda... mayo-ish for me. You can't go wrong with bacon or frozen-packed sausages, the bread were soft and the fries were good so yeah decent meal overall! 

And then there's this 1-for-1 cakes after 8PM, but ironically when they meant "cakes", they actually meant tarts.... someone needs to get their English checked. So we got the passionfruit cheesecake tart (1-for-1) and their red velvet cake. The cake was alright but the tarts... maybe not. 

We had churros after and man, Churrosity serves tasty ones! I personally liked it heh. Headed down to share some beer down the stretch of Holland V. and topics about the past and future surfaced and... I felt really old. Like aging. At a rapid rate. Doesn't feel like 4/6 years since I know these girls. 

Who knew we would actually make it this far hahahahaha gosh so young.

Nevertheless, it was a good night! Thank you for the gift card hehehe.

Today!!! Met up with bucci to have our dim sum fix but the place he wanted to go was completely filled. So we walked for about 1.5 hours under the scorching sun food hunting for a legit, affordable dim sum restaurant. Ended up at a restaurant that banabs recommended (since we were near that area) and the food turned out well! The custard bun was oozing out omg larrrrrrve it! 

Yay to a successful impromptu dim sum food hunt! 

Visited Jas at work since it was her last day and she gave me a large cup of yogurt to bring home yay. And like as if I haven't ate enough, I down another egg tart and bought home muah chee as well as beard papa's cream puff. 

Glutton. My body is feeling guilty. :-(


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